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Looking for the Top Rated and Most Reviewed Flathead Valley DUI Lawyer?
Please fill in your Information below for your FREE DUI Consultation
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Kalispell and Flathead Valley DUI Lawyer & Attorney
There were 4,240 DUI arrests in the State of Montana in 2013. Have you been charged with DUI? Are you scared and confused? You should be. DUI charges can be life-altering. Not only can you go to jail for your mistake, you can lose your driver’s license and even worse, you can carry the conviction with you for the rest of your life. In addition, you can be fined a great deal of money and your insurance rates are all but guaranteed to shoot through the roof!

The penalties for DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) offenses can be very serious. If you’ve been arrested for DUI or DWI and want to fight the charge, you should understand all of the defenses that may be available to you. By mounting a viable defense, you might help persuade the prosecution to drop or reduce the charges, prevent the suspension of your driver’s license, or even get an acquittal after a trial.
Any questions?
To set up an appointment with Scott Hilderman please fill out our contact form or call us at 406-257-1691